Atari tape based text editor in BASIC
VOACAP Port to Plan 9 Operating System
Commodore 64 multidevice emulator
Atari XL as usb keyboard
Using the Atari XL as a cw keyer
2017.05.06 *** Very low cost and very small cw keyer using msp430
msp430g2101 / flash = 1k / ram = 128
#ifndef BIG
const long c_a = (0b011101L << 5) + 6;
const long c_b = (0b0101010111L << 5) + 10;
const long c_c = (0b010111010111L << 5) + 12;
const long c_d = (0b01010111L << 5) + 8;
const long c_e = (0b01L << 5) + 2;
const long c_f = (0b0101110101L << 5) + 10;
//const long c_g = (0b0101110111L << 5) + 10;
//const long c_h = (0b01010101L << 5) + 8;
//const long c_i = (0b0101L << 5) + 4;
const long c_k = (0b0111010111L << 5) + 10;
const long c_l = (0b0101011101L << 5) + 10;
const long c_m = (0b01110111L << 5) + 8;
const long c_n = (0b010111L << 5) + 6;
//const long c_p = (0b010111011101L << 5) + 12;
const long c_q = (0b01110101110111L << 5) + 14;
const long c_r = (0b01011101L << 5) + 8;
const long c_s = (0b010101L << 5) + 6;
//const long c_u = (0b01110101L << 5) + 8;
//const long c_w = (0b0111011101L << 5) + 10;
const long c_v = (0b0111010101L << 5) + 10;
const long spc = (0b0000000L << 5) + 7;
const long c_qn = (0b0101011101110101L << 5) + 16;
//const long c_9 = 18 + (0b010111011101110111L << 5);
const long c_8 = 16 + (0b0101011101110111L << 5);
//const long c_7 = 14 + (0b01010101110111L << 5);
//const long c_6 = 12 + (0b010101010111L << 5);
//const long c_5 = 10 + (0b0101010101L << 5);
const long c_4 = 12 + (0b011101010101L << 5);
//const long c_3 = 14 + (0b01110111010101L << 5);
//const long c_2 = 16 + (0b0111011101110101L << 5);
const long c_1 = 18 + (0b011101110111011101L << 5);
const long c_0 = 20 + (0b01110111011101110111L << 5);
2016.08.28 *** Three band Analog vfo controlled transmitter
This is the photo of the week. A three band HF transmitter, transmi
at 40m,20m,15m with a maximum power of 5 Watts. The design was heav
influenced by W7ZOI published data.
2015.06.29 *** FT221 computer interface
Interfacing my OpenBSD Notebook to my old Yaesu FT221 radio so I ca
to the International Space Station using APRS.
2014.01.02 *** Past work and projects
Past projects have covered software development in various language
and digital electronics. The new site will show a few of them here
designed to be easier to update. Here are a few that stands out bac
2013 - 2014.
++ links
Homebrew spectrum analyzer
Direct conversion receiver
-----| Internet relay morsecode | ----- = 16;
snprintf(node.myid, 16, "irmc_user");
snprintf(node.port, 16, "7890");
if(argc == 1) {
snprintf(, 64, "");
snprintf(node.myid, 128, "FE (Fernan in Penang, MY) Intl. M = 16;
if(argc > 1) snprintf(, 64, argv[1]);
if(argc > 2) snprintf(node.myid, 128, argv[2]);
if(argc > 3) = atoi(argv[3]);
for(i = 0; i < 51; i++) c.code[i] = 0;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* ipv4 or ipv6 */
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
if ((rv = getaddrinfo(, node.port, &hints, &servinfo)) !=
fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(rv));
return 1;
original posting here
other historical plan9 things
to be continued ...
...items in the works