... station information for callsign VE4FEB ...			
station equipment and tools ====			
 1. Yaesu FT221 VHF transceiver			
    a. installed modifications ctss tone generator			
 2. Kenwood R-1000 Communications Receiver			
 3. tx1 80 to 10m band transmitter Crystal controlled 20W output			
 4. tx0 3-band QRP transmitter Analog VFO			
    a. 03Jun2022: Ongoing replacement of filters to reduce RF 			
        leakage between LO->Preamps, Also final amplifiers will 			
        be redesigned			
 5. Rigol DS1052E Digital Oscilloscope			
 6. Quansheng uv-r50			
 7. tx3 DDS/SI5351 transverter-transmitter			
 8. Hammarlund HQ-145A updates, restoration done			
    a. recap seems to have been done by previous owner			
    b. replaced HF OScillator with 6100 tube			
    c. fixed broken smeter needle			
    d. minor HF Oscillator alignment - target specs was 1% to 2%			
         dial accuracy.			
    e. minor RF alignment - target specs was 0.6uV to 1uV 			
    f. 29may2022: after 3years of service, hq145a is now waiting 			
        for one of its if transformers fixed as it seems to be 			
        suffering from the silver mica disease. As of 16Dec2023, 			
        this has now been resolved.			
 9. Commodore C64			
    a. secondary propagation display			
    b. secondary callsign lookup directory			
    c. secondary skimmer check and submit			
    d. qso log book entry using an ed like editor			
 10. Atari 600XL			
     a. USB keyboard for a Plan9/unix machine			
     b. cw keyer 			
 11. Homebrew Spectrum Analyzer			
 12. NanoVNA type Network Analyzer version H3.4 10Khz to 1.5Ghz			
 13. QRPLabs QCX Mini for 20m - allows battery power for outdoor 			
 14. QRPLabs QDX - allows quick digital mode qso when too busy or 			
      tired from work.			
     a. 2024Oct13 QDX is now offline due to unable to transmit.			
         Debug serial transmit mode no output. Quick investigation 			
         no CLK0 from UC11 probed at IC3 and R41. Further investi-			
         gation needed. QMX is now used for digital mode. untill 			
         this is repaired.			
     b. 2024Oct26 QDX now under testing. Replaced IC3 ,Q9 and Q11			
         to make transmit again. So far made a few FT8 contacts.			
         C63 was also replaced as it was cracked. It was damaged			
         since it arrived. I did not have the parts to replace it			
 15. QRPLabs QMX - this is for multi-band support for outdoor use			
     a. currently waiting on new firmware that fixes birdies and a 			
         few needed features			
various files =====			
1st_transmitter.html                  2018-May-31 19:16     1.7 KB
EM15                                  2021-May-11 16:59   139.5 KB
EM18                                  2021-May-11 17:00   139.5 KB
EM18.dat                              2021-May-11 16:47     0.9 KB
EM44                                  2021-May-11 17:00   139.5 KB
EM48                                  2021-May-11 17:00   139.5 KB
at_the_top_of_their_field             2021-Sep-17 18:08     0.4 KB
chess.txt                             2021-Jan-10 01:09     6.1 KB
dBmW.awk                              2023-Apr-08 19:11     0.2 KB
dBmmW.awk                             2023-Apr-08 19:11     0.1 KB
dbm_to_milliwatt_table.txt            2023-Apr-08 19:11     1.8 KB
dbm_to_watt_table.txt                 2023-Apr-08 19:11     1.8 KB
ft221audio.html                       2018-Jun-02 14:07     0.6 KB
mkdBmtable                            2023-Apr-08 19:04     0.3 KB
pred                                  2021-May-11 16:59     0.1 KB
propagation_20m.txt                   2022-May-25 18:06     1.5 KB
propagation_30m.txt                   2022-May-25 18:06    20.6 KB
propagation_40m.txt                   2022-May-25 18:06     1.5 KB
propagation_hap_winnipeg.txt          2024-Apr-27 19:00     0.7 KB
propagation_index_winnipeg.txt        2023-Nov-19 15:37     1.3 KB
station_photo.html                    2023-May-14 20:53     0.8 KB
station_rbn_activity.html             2022-May-25 19:24     0.1 KB
voacap_for_plan9.tgz                  2021-Apr-24 13:06    58.1 MB (via floodgap)
wspr_activity.txt                     2020-Aug-03 21:51     4.5 KB
wspr_using_shell_script.txt           2019-Oct-28 20:58     0.7 KB